svelte-audio-waveform Svelte Themes

Svelte Audio Waveform

Generate stunning audio waveforms with Svelte 5 and Canvas. Transform an array of peak data into beautifully rendered, customizable waveforms for music players, podcasts, audio editing tools, and more.

Svelte Audio Waveform

The fastest way to add stunning audio visualizations to your Svelte apps. Create beautiful, responsive waveform visualizations from audio files with progress indication and customizable styling. Perfect when you need professional-looking audio visualization without the complexity of heavyweight solutions like Wavesurfer.

Perfect for:

  • 🎡 Music players
  • πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast interfaces
  • πŸ“ž Voice message previews
  • βœ‚οΈ Audio editing tools
  • 🌟 Any project where audio visualization matters


Install the package using npm:

npm install svelte-audio-waveform


  • 🎨 Customizable colors and styling
  • 🌈 Gradients support
  • πŸ“Š Bar and wave display modes
  • 🎯 Progress indication
  • πŸ“± Responsive design
  • πŸ” High-resolution support (600/1200 peaks)

Basic Usage

  import AudioWaveform from 'svelte-audio-waveform';

  let peaks = []; // Array of peak data
  let position = 0.5; // Current playback position as a percentage (0 to 1)



1. Standard Waveform

A basic waveform with default settings.


2. Bar Mode

Display the waveform as bars instead of a continuous wave.


3. Custom Colors

Customize the waveform and progress colors.


4. Gradient Colors

Apply beautiful gradients to your waveform.

  gradientColors={["red", "blue", "green"]}
  progressGradientColors={["yellow", "orange", "purple"]}

5. Full Example with Audio File Upload

This example shows how to load an audio file, generate peaks, calculate playback progress, and display a waveform with playback controls.

<script lang="ts">
  import AudioWaveform from 'svelte-audio-waveform';

  let peaks = [];
  let progress = 0; // Current playback progress as a percentage (0 to 1)
  let audio: HTMLAudioElement;
  let isPlaying = false;

  async function handleAudioFile(event: Event) {
    const file = ( as HTMLInputElement).files?.[0];
    if (!file) return;

    // Generate peaks (use your own utility or copy from repo)
    const buffer = await createAudioBuffer(file);
    peaks = getPeaks(buffer, { numberOfBuckets: 1200 });

    // Create audio element for playback
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
    audio = new Audio(url);

    // Set up audio events to calculate progress
    audio.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {
      progress = audio.currentTime / audio.duration; // Calculate progress as a percentage (0 to 1)

    audio.addEventListener('play', () => {
      isPlaying = true;

    audio.addEventListener('pause', () => {
      isPlaying = false;

    audio.addEventListener('ended', () => {
      isPlaying = false;
      progress = 0;

  function handleSeek(event: CustomEvent<number>) {
    if (!audio) return;
    const newTime = event.detail * audio.duration; // Convert percentage to time in seconds
    audio.currentTime = newTime;
    progress = event.detail; // Update progress directly as a percentage (0 to 1)

  function togglePlayPause() {
    if (!audio) return;
    if (isPlaying) {
    } else {;

<div class="audio-player">
<input type="file" accept="audio/*" on:change={handleAudioFile} />

{#if peaks.length > 0}
<div class="waveform-container">

<div class="controls">
<button on:click={togglePlayPause}>
{isPlaying ? '⏸️ Pause' : '▢️ Play'}

<div class="time-display">
{formatTime(progress * audio.duration)} / {formatTime(audio.duration)}

API Reference

AudioWaveform Props

Prop Type Default Description
peaks number[] required Array of audio peak values
position number required Current playback position as a percentage (0 to 1)
color string 'grey' Waveform base color
progressColor string 'purple' Progress color
gradientColors string[] undefined Colors for gradient styling
progressGradientColors string[] undefined Gradient colors for the progress bar
height number required Height of the waveform
width number required Width of the waveform
barWidth number undefined Width of bars (if using bar mode)

Utilities (Optional)

This package does not include utility functions like getPeaks, createAudioBuffer, or formatTime. However, you can copy these utilities from the source repository if needed.


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