

Open Web Application starters and instant mock backend for common usecases (Frontend and Backend)


A set of templates of common web applications, using a ASP CRUD API. And frontend UI, with any frontend technology.

  • Blog App (React)
  • Forums App (React)
  • Booking system (HTML JQuery)
  • SFML Platformer Game
  • Astro SAAS

Integration Examples

  • Dapper Sqlite
  • SupaBase
  • Auth0
  • JWT tokens
  • Stripe Payments


  • game achievements server
  • Music library management
  • Appointment scheduling systems
  • Course management platforms
  • Online quiz and assessment tools
  • school student teacher portal
  • CRM
  • book library system
  • video platform
  • online game tool editor
  • pixel art app
  • Image Gallery Management System
  • free chatbot using gemini with user api key
  • reddit style forum
  • codepen clone
  • gist clone

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