Entertain Sample

This is a plugin for entertainment.


  • entertain.generateTree

    You can generate a directory tree with specified width and depth. Paste the following clip to setting.json (Ctrl+shifit+p to open).

      "entertain.generateTree": {
        "num_width": 10,
        "num_depth": 4
  • entertain.bulkReplace

    Set the content and targets of bulk replacement in settings.json. Here is an example for formatting htmls from tables generator to sphinx style:

      "entertain.bulkReplace": {
        "<table>": "<table class=\"docutils\">",
        "<td r": "<td align=\"center\" r",
        "<td c": "<td align=\"center\" c",
        "<td>": "<td align=\"center\">",
        "<th r": "<th align=\"center\" r",
        "<th c": "<th align=\"center\" c",
        "<td align=\"center\">$MM": "<td>$MM",
        "<td align=\"center\" rowspan=\"2\">model config file</td>": "<td rowspan=\"2\">model config file</td>",
        "<td align=\"center\" rowspan=\"3\">model config file</td>": "<td rowspan=\"3\">model config file</td>"

How to customize a vscode plugin

First, install node.js.

# Using Ubuntu
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_17.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

# Using Debian, as root
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_17.x | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

Second, npm install -g yo generator-code.

Third, yo code.

Firth, install vsce: npm i vsce -g.

Fifth, run vsce package.

Finally, publish it to marketplace.

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