random-github-repo-2 Svelte Themes

Random Github Repo 2

Website that randomly displays githubs repositories to gain inspiration on the topics of your choice

Random Github Repository Generator

A website that give you random GitHub repository to get inspired

Set up:

  • Clone the repo
  • Add an ApiKeys.ts file to src/lib/server/ApiKeys.ts containing your tokens to use GitHub's API, like this :
    export default class ApiKeys {
      static apiKeys: string[] = [
          'ghp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' // add as much tokens as you want

Tokens can be generated by visiting the following link: https://github.com/settings/tokens. To create a new token, navigate to "Generate new token (classic)," choose an expiration period, and exclusively select the public_repo permission before generating the token.

You can use this database, which already contains more than a million GitHub repositories: Download here. If you'd like to use it, download it and move it to database/database.db.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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