
npm i svelte-remix-icons


This is a sveltekit icon library based on remixIcons. Highly inspired by svelte-hero-icons

  • complete remixions set optimized for svelte
  • programatically change filled or line version based on the filled attribute
  • fully typed for a great IDE experience
  • works with SvelteKit & Vite


  • install as dependency (important)
  • Add this to your vite.config.js, so all icons are bundled into one file -> no import waterfalls
const config = {
  // other vite-plugin-svelte config
  kit: {
    // other svelte-kit config
    vite: {
      // other vite config
      ssr: {
        noExternal: ['svelte-hero-icons']
      optimizeDeps: {
        include: ["svelte-remix-icons"],
export default config;


  // Only import what you need!
  import { Building4 } from 'svelte-remix-icons'

  // For now you have to import the icon component like this:
  import RemixIcon from 'svelte-remix-icons/RemixIcon.svelte'

<!-- use filled attribute to control whether to show filled or outline version of icon -->
<RemixIcon src="{Building4}" filled />

<!-- use size attribute to set icon size (32 -> 32px | 2rem | 100% == default ) -->
<RemixIcon src="{Building4}" size="32" />

<!-- use Windi CSS or tailwindcss classes directly -->
<RemixIcon src="{Building4}" class="w-6 h-6 text-red-500" />


This package is based on remixIcons

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