svelte-shorten Svelte Themes

Svelte Shorten

URL Shortener

A simple and fast URL shortener built with SvelteKit.


  • 🔗 Shorten long URLs into short, shareable links
  • 📊 Track shortened URLs
  • 🚀 Fast and lightweight
  • 🔒 Secure and reliable

Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd svelte-shorten.git

2. Install Dependencies

pnpm install  # or npm install or yarn install

3. Start Development Server

pnpm run dev  # or npm run dev or yarn dev

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to see the app in action.

Building for Production

To build the app for production, run:

pnpm run build  # or npm run build or yarn build

You can preview the production build with:

pnpm run preview  # or npm run preview or yarn preview


To deploy the app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

API Endpoints

  • POST /shorten - Shortens a given URL
  • GET /:shortUrl - Redirects to the original URL


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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