svelte-authorizer-demo Svelte Themes

Svelte Authorizer Demo

A SvelteKit project demonstrating the OSS Authorizer's authentication solution.


A SvelteKit demo with Authorizer's OSS authentication solution. Uses SvelteKit's grouped routes, Railway deployment, and cookies to access specific pages. If you'd like to create this from scratch or know how this project works, check out my explainer on The Thinks.

Clone this repo

Use the GitHub CLI to clone this repo to your local machine:

gh repo clone zeucapua/svelte-authorizer-demo


Create a .env with two variables: PUBLIC_AUTHORIZER_URL and PUBLIC_AUTHORIZER_CLIENT_ID (refer to the The Thinks for where to get the data).

To run this repo on your local machine:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

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