scrawl Svelte Themes


It's like Wordpress, but new, and yours.

Scrawl: It's like Wordpress, but n e w

Project Status

  • Codebase (in progress)
  • Tutorial (in progress)

GOAL: To create an all-in-one blogging website, with admin access, using Svelte and markdown. In turn, this project will be used as a tutorial for those who are new to modern web development to introduce basic concepts and technologies used today for full-stack web applications.


  • Markdown editor and Previewer
  • Local Storage and Saving
  • Database Hosting and Connecting
  • Authentication for Admin Access

Markdown Editor and Previewer

GOAL: To show how Javascript and HTML blend together in modern web frameworks to create reactive elements, while introducing npm to install packages. Using Svelte, TailwindCSS, and svelte-exmarkdown.

Local Storage and Saving

GOAL: To show how to work with data via CRUD methods. Using Svelte stores.

Database Hosting and Connecting


Authentication for Admin Access


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