svelte-validify Svelte Themes

Svelte Validify

Flexible and simple form abstraction in Svelte

Svelte Validify

An attempt to bring react-validify over to Svelte.

The goal with this library is to be the most flexible form library while also having the smallest API.

Todo: Test coverage

Get started

  • Install it
  • Make a custom Input component
  • The end


npm install svelte-validify

Making an Input Component

Your input component must implement handleChange handleBlur errors and value to function properly.

Once you add these methods to your component, form validation will be taken care of for you.

When a user has an invalid field, the error will not be shown until blurring the field, or someone submits the form.

After this happens, validation runs onChange for the best UX possible.

<script type="ts">
  import { useField } from "svelte-validify";
  import type { RuleFn } from "svelte-validify";

  export let name: string;
  export let rules: RuleFn[] = [];

  let field = useField({ name, rules });

  {#if $field.errors.length}
    on:keyup={(e) => $field.handleChange(e.currentTarget.value)}

Using a Form

Import the Form component, and createForm method from the library.

Initialize the form with a few values if you'd like.

Render inputs, and set custom rules. You can see this in action by running the example folder :)

<script lang="ts">
  import { Form, createForm } from "svelte-validify";
  import Input from "./Input.svelte";

  // Always create a form, and add some optional values
  let form = createForm({ name: "Bob", email: "test" });

  // Rules run at the correct times, on blur, or onChange after initial blur / submit
  // you don't have to think about it!
  let isRequired = (value) => (!value ? "Field is required" : "");

<Form {form} onSubmit={() => console.log($form.values)}>
  <Input name="name" rules={[isRequired]} />
  <Input name="email" rules={[isRequired]} />
  <button type="submit" disabled={$form.disabled}>Hello!</button>

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