
Sveltekit Tailwind3 Smelte Test


This is template/bootstrap combining:

  • Svelte 3 (via svelte-kit)
  • Tailwind CSS 3
  • Smelte (via fork which corrects dependencies in package.json)

This builds on some other similar efforts to combine Smelte in various ways.

Hopefully this will be useful to you in playing around with these projects.


npm install
npm run dev
# or
npm run build


The following are dependencies used by smelte which must be added to your project:

  • tailwind-css-variables
  • lodash
  • rollup-plugin-postcss
  • merge-deep
  • svelte-waypoint
  • svelte-typed-component
  • tinycolor2
npm install --save-dev \
  tailwind-css-variables lodash rollup-plugin-postcss merge-deep svelte-waypoint \
  svelte-typed-component tinycolor2

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