
Svelte standalone web app for stock chatbot.

this app made with Svelte Standalone -

How to create a Svelte standalone app?

1.Create a Svelte App: a. npx sv create my-app (you can add tailwind) b. cd my-app c. npm install

  1. Clean Up – Remove svelte boilerplate code (e.g., routes, components). Files to delete: a. src/components/Counter.svelte (if exist) b. src/assets/svelte.svg (if exist) c. src/routes/+page.svelte (if exists)

  2. Install Svelte Standalone a. npm install -D svelte-standalone@latest

  3. Generates boilerplate code for a new standalone component a. npx standalone create b. Name your component: Enter a name for your component (e.g., payments). c. Choose an embedding strategy (for the chatbot option B is teh best): A. Explicit Call (Single Instance): Mounts the component once using window.payments.start(). B. Explicit Call (Multiple Instances): Allows mounting multiple instances with window.payments.start(). C. Auto-Embed with Target ID: Automatically appends to an element with a specified id. D. Auto-Embed with Target Class: Automatically appends to elements with a specified class. E. Auto-Embed on Body: Automatically appends to the when downloaded.

  4. now look at src/_standalone/name_of_your_component (e.g payments) a. create file and name it embed.js and put this code in it: import { autoEmbedWithTarget } from 'svelte-standalone'; import Example from './index.svelte'; // your embedabble autoEmbedWithTarget(Example, 'example'); b. index.svelte - this is the file where you code your regular svelte code c. for using tailwind you need to import tailwind in each index.svelte component jsut add in the

    c. serve the file with http-server from the folder client\static\dist\standalone d. open localhost:8080/index.html and you will see your file

  5. add the svelte component to WordPress a. add new block in wordpress and select 'custom html' b. add there this code: c. test the WordPress website.

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