docker compose up --build
If you see the "permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at ..." error, run sudo chown $USER /var/run/docker.sock
in the terminal (solution found from this discussion thread).
Chat426 is a simple chatroom web application where multiple users can connect and communicate with each other. This app follows the microservices and event-bus design pattern on top of for communication between browsers. There are three microservices:
The chatroom service handles the communication between browsers and a server. This microservice is where the server is created.
The moderator service checks the chat message content and replaces it with “The message has been moderated.” if it contains profanity. "Profanity" in this project is a set of words drawn from this list.
Lastly, the vote service manages the voting feature of the app. Each user can upvote a message once, and all users can see who upvoted a message.
All data–user list, chat history, and vote history–are stored in MongoDB. So when a new user joins, they can see all the past chat history. The communication between microservices is handled by the event bus. The client directly fetches data from a microservice or uses API to emit different events and data.
All services generate logs in the logs/combined.log file and send them to the console. Following event bus architecture requirement while using API was challenging and interesting. This app could have been easily converted to a monolith design, but I enjoyed the learning experience.
Much more detailed description/report on the project can be found here.
To view or edit data stored in MongoDB, enter the MongoDB shell by running
mongosh -u admin -p secret
Here, admin
and secret
are simply an arbitrary credential specified in the docker-compose.yml
> db.<database_name>.find()
> use <database_name>
> db.<database_name>.deleteMany({})
fileCurrently, Chat426 has the following key restrictions that differ from a typical chat application: (1) users can only send text (no image or video), (2) there is one central chatroom where all users are in, and (3) users can simply access the URL and start chatting.
Therefore, an exciting and natural extension of this project would be to allow users to (1) send other forms of data, (2) make new chatrooms and invite specific users, and (3) create an account and log in.