cronexia-test-svelte Svelte Themes

Cronexia Test Svelte


On part direct sur SvelteKit

npx sv create my-app
## Propose l'install via bun *hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*

# Need to install the following packages:
# [email protected]
# Ok to proceed? (y) y

# ┌  Welcome to the Svelte CLI! (v0.6.11)
# │
# ◇  Which template would you like?
# │  SvelteKit demo
# │
# ◇  Add type checking with Typescript?
# │  Yes, using Typescript syntax
# │
# ◆  Project created
# │
# ◇  What would you like to add to your project? (use arrow keys / space bar)
# │  prettier, eslint, vitest, mdsvex, paraglide, storybook
# │
# ◇  paraglide: Which languages would you like to support? (e.g. en,de-ch)
# │  en, fr-fr
# │
# ◇  paraglide: Do you want to include a demo?
# │  Yes
# │
# ◇  Which package manager do you want to install dependencies with?
# │  bun

cd my-app
# npm install
# npm run dev
bun i

# bun run dev
bun run dev --open

✅✅ local works

(i18n) paraglide: │ │ - Edit your messages in messages/en.json │ │ - Consider installing the Sherlock IDE Extension │ │ - Visit ✅✅ /demo/paraglide route to view the demo

translate ✅ works

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