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Easy change Svelte Kit APIs to Zero API.

Use Svelte Kit APIs like call function, support Typescript.


npm install svelte-zero-api

Getting started

1. Edit svelte.config.js, example:

import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess";

// 1. import
import zeroApiWatch from "svelte-zero-api/watch";

// 2. add watch by change watchPath files, auto create api files:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {

export default {
  preprocess: [preprocess({ postcss: true })],
  kit: { target: "#svelte" },

2. Use all api function in front-end pages, example:

at src/routes/index.svelte

<script lang="ts">
  import { zeroApi } from "../zeroApi";

  // We can use api before onMount, because api function only run in browser.
  // like front end function, and have Typescrit point out.
  let helloPost ={ body: { name: "Dog" } });

{#await helloPost}
{:then res}

API Example

at src/routes/api/hello.ts

import type { QueryGet } from "svelte-zero-api";

interface Get {
  query: {
    name: string;

interface Post {
  body: {
    name: string;

// Need return a Promise
// use `Get & QueryGet<Get>` definition types add query.get(...);
export const get = async ({ query }: Get & QueryGet<Get>) => {
  return { body: { world: "I'm a " + query.get("name") } };

// Need return a Promise
export const post = async ({ body }: Post) => {
  return { body: { world: "I'm a " + } };


That's all, Thanks read my broken English.

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