
Doc Search

An example Svelte/TailwindCSS/ViteJS app for searching string positions in arbitray text

Doc Search

This is an example app written with Svelte which uses TailwindCSS for styling and Vite bundling.

Refer to doc-search for more information.

Run without Docker

To start without docker run the following commands

git clone
cd doc-search
npm install
npm run dev

Alternatively use PNPM (i.e., pnpm install, etc) for much faster builds.

Run with Docker

To build the image and start a docker container run the following commands

git clone
cd doc-search
docker build . -t doc-search
docker run --rm --name=doc-search -p 5000:80 doc-search

Proceed to http://localhost:5000/doc-search, or whatever port was chosen when starting your container.

Live Demo

Caveat Usor

This project is for experimental and educational purposes only! Sample data is hard-coded in ./app/App.svelte, there's zero security or sanity checking. The code/comments herein aren't perfect, this project was written on a whim in a few hours to show a PoC to someone.


Perhaps this app will become more useful over time, but for now it's only an experimental project.



Yelsaw (


[MIT] (

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