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Reading Speed Svelte App

Check if you can actually read 250 words per minute and maintain comprehension.

Reading Speed App

This is a single-serving app to see what it feels like to read at different speeds. It's a tiny app I quickly built with Svelte to scratch my own itch. According to the research, the average reading speed is around 250 words per minute. I did the math and that's about 4.5 words a minute, which is 1 word every 250 milliseconds. That last piece of math I'm not so sure.

I'm aware that we don't read word by word. We read in word chunks, and there are some other variables like words per line, font size, typeface, and line height that affect how fast or slow you'll read, but this still gives you a good a idea on what's you actual average reading speed.


The app is super simple. Choose a reading speed from the selection picker, click the orange Star Reading button, see if you can keep up with the words. See if you can actually read 400 wpm.


Checkout the app.

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