js-ast Svelte Themes

Js Ast

Do some fun with AST, using JavaScript.


Print Svelte AST nodes as a string.
A.k.a. parse in reverse.

This is what you need to create codemods - e.g. for migration between Svelte versions syntaxes.

[!NOTE] > **This package is in beta stage.**
See Roadmap




This package depends on:

  1. esrap for printing ESTree specification-compliant AST nodes
  2. zimmerframe for walking on the AST nodes


[!IMPORTANT] > It ignores any previous formatting.
The current focus is to be able to write codemods as soon as possible - because right now, there are no alternatives.

If you need to format modified and stringified Svelte AST, use available formatters for Svelte:

See Formatting section for examples.

Getting started

  1. Use the package manager of your choice to install this package:

    npm install svelte-ast-print
    yarn add svelte-ast-print
    pnpm add svelte-ast-print
    bun add svelte-ast-print
  2. Incorporate it into your project, for example using Node.js and with the Svelte parse method:

    import fs from "node:fs";
    import { print } from "svelte-ast-print";
    import { parse } from "svelte/compiler";
    const originalSvelteCode = fs.readFileSync("src/App.svelte", "utf-8");
    let svelteAST = parse(originalSvelteCode, { modern: true });
    //                                          šŸ‘† For now, only modern is supported.
    //                                             By default is 'false'.
    //                                             Is it planned to be 'true' from Svelte v6+
    // ...
    // Do some modifications on this AST...
    // e.g. transform `<slot />` to `{@render children()}`
    // ...
    const output = print(svelteAST); // AST is now a stringified code output! šŸŽ‰
    fs.writeFileSync("src/App.svelte", output, { encoding: " utf-8" });

[!IMPORTANT] When using parse from svelte, please remember about passing modern: true to options (second argument). This option is only available starting svelte@5

import { parse } from "svelte/compiler";

parse(code, { modern: true });
//          šŸ‘† Don't forget about this

You can omit it from Svelte v6 - source.


Until the package will support formatting feature option... below are the current and simplified workaround examples on how to get printed output formatted to your needs.


Two dependencies are required:

  1. prettier
  2. prettier-plugin-svelte

Follow prettier-plugin-svelte Setup guide on how to configure Prettier for Svelte.

Using Prettier API

import { format } from "prettier";
import { parse } from "svelte/compiler";
import { print } from "svelte-ast-print";

let code = "..." // šŸ‘ˆ Raw Svelte code
let ast = parse(code, { modern: true });
//                    šŸ‘† Don't forget about this, you can omit in Svelte v6

// .. work with AST - transformations, etc. ...

const output = print(ast);
const formatted = await format(output {
    // Two ways to provide options:

    // 1. provide file path to prettier config
    filepath: "path/to/your/prettier/config/file",

    // or..

    // 2. See `prettier-plugin-svelte` Setup guide for more info
    parser: "svelte",
    plugins: ["svelte-plugin-prettier"]

Using Prettier CLI

... and Node.js API.

import fs from "node:fs";
import childProcess from "node:child_process";

import { parse } from "svelte/compiler";
import { print } from "svelte-ast-print";

const code = fs.readFileSync("./Button.svelte", "utf-8");
let ast = parse(code, { modern: true });
//                    šŸ‘† Don't forget about this, you can omit in Svelte v6

// .. work with AST - transformations, etc. ...

const output = print(ast);

fs.writeFileSync("./Button.svelte", output, "utf-8");
childProcess.spawnSync("prettier", ["./Button.svelte", "--write"], {
    stdio: "inherit",
    encoding: "utf-8",


[!WARNING] This sub-section is incomplete. Feel free to contribute!


Take a look at contributing guide.

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

šŸ’Œ to these people:

Mateusz Kadlubowski

šŸ’» šŸš§ šŸ“– šŸš‡ āš ļø


šŸ“– šŸ’»

Jeppe Reinhold



If you don't have time, but you need this project to work, or resolve an existing issue, consider sponsorship.


Mateusz "xeho91" Kadlubowski


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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