avm-wallet-svelte Svelte Themes

Avm Wallet Svelte

AVM Wallet Web3 Svelte Component for Algoand-based Networks

NOTE! This is currently in alpha. It is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY. There are several obvious issues that need to be addressed before this should be considered usable in any sort of production capacity. Please limit use to Testnets only!

AVM Wallet Web3 Svelte Component for Algoand-based Networks

This is a component for connecting to AVM (Algorand) based wallets. The component exposes a "Connect Wallet" button that can be placed within your application UI. When no wallets are connected, the button displays "Connect Wallet". When one or more wallets is connected, the button displays the address of the connected wallet. Connected wallets are stored in Browser Local Storage and connections are restored automatically.

The component supports:

  • Fast wallet switching, detectable through a svelte store subscription (see below)
  • Multiple wallets and accounts connected simultaneously
  • Authentication token creation and storage
  • Universal signing API to sign and transmit transactions using the current selected wallet

Current wallets supported:


Example implementation can be seen here: https://nftnavigator.xyz/

Install Package

npm install avm-wallet-svelte

Import Component

import { Web3Wallet } from 'avm-wallet-svelte';

Use Component

<Web3Wallet />

To facilitate actions that require an algod node, such as submitting transactions to the network, you can either initialize the component with the algodClient or pass the algodClient to the function (i.e. signAndSendTransactions below).

import algosdk from 'algosdk';

const token = 'ALGOD_TOKEN';
const server = 'ALGOD_HOST';
const port = 'ALGOD_PORT';

const algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2(token, server, port);

<Web3Wallet {algodClient} />

You can also specify which wallets to enable by passing an array of wallet names in the component's availableWallets parameter. All supported wallets are enabled by default. I.e. to only show PeraWallet and Kibisis:

<Web3Wallet {algodClient} availableWallets={['PeraWallet','Kibisis']} />

// or

import { WalletOptions } from 'avm-wallet-svelte';
<Web3Wallet availableWallets={[WalletOptions.PERA,WalletOptions.KIBISIS]} />

Watched Accounts

Watched accounts are accounts that are not authenticated but are connected to the wallet. They are useful for watching transactions on the network without the need to authenticate.

To enable watched accounts, pass allowWatchAccounts={true} to the Web3Wallet component.

<Web3Wallet allowWatchAccounts={true} />


If using WalletConnect you must obtain a Project ID from WalletConnect at https://cloud.walletconnect.com. This must be passed to the Web3Wallet component as argument wcProjectId, i.e.:

const projectId = '[project id obtained from walletconnect cloud portal]'; <Web3Wallet {algodClient} availableWallets={['PeraWallet','WalletConnect']} wcProject={{ projectId: '', projectName: '', projectDescription: '', projectUrl: '', projectIcons: [''] }}>


This package utilizes stores to expose the list of connected wallets and the user's currently selected wallet, making these available by importing and subscribing to the stores:

import { selectedWallet, connectedWallets } from 'avm-wallet-svelte';

{#each $connectedWallets as wallet}
    <div>Connected Wallet: ${wallet.address} with ${wallet.app}</div>

Signing Transactions

Send transactions to the current selected wallet and sign them:

import { signAndSendTransactions, selectedWallet, ProviderStore } from 'avm-wallet-svelte';
import { get } from 'svelte/store';
import algosdk from 'algosdk';

const fromWallet = get(selectedWallet); // current wallet selected by user
const toWallet = 'ADDRESS_OF_WALLET_TO_SEND_TO';

if (fromWallet) {
    const algodClient = get(ProviderStore).algodClient; // get the algodClient provided to the component
    if (!algodClient) {
        throw new Error("Algod client not available");
    const params = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do();

    const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
        from: fromWallet,
        to: toWallet,
        amount: 1000, // amount to pay in microAlgos
        suggestedParams: params

    const allTxns: algosdk.Transaction[] = [];

    try {
        const status = signAndSendTransactions([allTxns]);
        // if you want to use a different algodClient instance
        // or if none was provided to the <Web3Wallet/> component:
        // const status = signAndSendTransactions([allTxns], algodClient);
    catch(e: any) {
        // error handling -- future plan is to make error events consistent across wallets


This section needs more documentation. Web3Wallet accepts an optional boolean parameter showAuthButtons. If true, users will see an auth option after connecting their wallet. Clicking auth will send a validation transaction to their wallet. Once authenticated, the signed transaction is stored as a token in the browser's secure cookie storage and can be used for authentication. Token expiration is currently hard-coded for 90 days with plans to be customizable in the future.


  • Improve layout flexibility and add styling options
  • Consistent error handling

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