sb-datepicker Svelte Themes

Sb Datepicker

svelte - preact - jquery


Main variant build with the ViteJS because it compiles the bundle with the ESBuild

Entry-point is the index.html to run it i'm using LiveServer VSCode extension

inside index.html i'm connecting compiled version of React Date Picker compairing to any other module this one with 1.3M Weekly Downloads has best support

Module can be upgraded with functionality and layout can be overwriten with sass variables inside folder [vite-preact-dp] to start dev process we need to install dependencies with Yarn


to run the dev server


after updating the Module it can be compiled attached to build:

  • cd vite-preact-dp
  • ./mybuild
  • copy newly created dist/assets/index.[a-z0-9].js to app/

Setting minify: false in vite.config.js will turn off minification.

Replace node_modules/react-datepicker-tz with our git repo to modify that code. To build it, run npm run build in its root directory (probably also have to run npm install -- with --force if necessary -- first).


datepicker (component)

docs DP Docs

General datepicker component.

name type default value description
allowSameDay bool false
ariaDescribedBy string null
ariaInvalid string null
ariaLabelledBy string null
ariaRequired string null
autoComplete string
autoFocus bool
calendarClassName string
children node
className string
clearButtonTitle string
clearButtonClassName string Customize the clear button
customInput element
customInputRef string 'ref' The property used to pass the ref callback
dateFormat union(string|array) 'MM/dd/yyyy'
dateFormatCalendar string 'LLLL yyyy'
dayClassName func
weekDayClassName func
disabled bool false
disabledKeyboardNavigation bool false
dropdownMode (required) enum('scroll'|'select') 'scroll'
endDate instanceOf(Date)
excludeDates array
excludeDateIntervals array
excludeTimes array
excludeScrollbar array
filterDate func
filterTime func
fixedHeight bool
focusSelectedMonth bool false
forceShowMonthNavigation bool
formatWeekNumber func
highlightDates array
id string
includeDates array
includeDateIntervals array
includeTimes array
injectTimes array
inline bool
isClearable bool
locale string
maxDate instanceOf(Date)
maxTime instanceOf(Date)
minDate instanceOf(Date)
minTime instanceOf(Date)
monthsShown number 1
name string
onBlur func function() {}
onCalendarClose func
onCalendarOpen func
onChange (required) func function() {}
onChangeRaw func
onClickOutside func function() {}
onFocus func function() {}
onKeyDown func function() {}
onMonthChange func function() {}
onSelect func function() {}
onWeekSelect func
onYearChange func function() {}
openToDate instanceOf(Date)
peekNextMonth bool
placeholderText string
popperClassName string
popperContainer func
popperModifiers object
popperPlacement enumpopperPlacementPositions
preventOpenOnFocus bool false When this is true, the datepicker will not automatically open when the date field is focussed
readOnly bool
required bool
scrollableYearDropdown bool
selected instanceOf(Date)
selectsEnd bool
selectsStart bool
shouldCloseOnSelect bool true
showMonthDropdown bool
showTimeSelect bool false
showWeekNumbers bool
showYearDropdown bool
startDate instanceOf(Date)
startOpen bool
tabIndex number
timeClassName func
timeFormat string
timeIntervals number 30
title string
todayButton node
useWeekdaysShort bool
utcOffset union(number|string)
value string
weekLabel string
withPortal bool false
portalId string
portalHost instanceOf(ShadowRoot) When set, portals will be attached to this ShadowRoot instead of the document body.
wrapperClassName string
yearItemNumber number 12
yearDropdownItemNumber number

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