sveltekit-typesql-pagination Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Typesql Pagination

Add the mysql2 driver and @types/node dependency:

pnpm i mysql2
pnpm i -d @types/node

Add typesql as dev dependency:

pnpm i -d typesql-cli

Start the mysql classicmodels database as a docker service:

docker run -d --name classicmodels -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password wsporto/classicmodels-mysql:8.0

The image contains the sample database from the mysqltutorial.

Use the typesql init to create the typesql.json configuration file:

pnpm exec typesql init

Update the databaseUri and sqlDir in the typesql.json file:

    "databaseUri": "mysql://root:password@localhost/classicmodels",
    "sqlDir": "./src/sqls",
    "target": "node"

Create the queries in the files below with raw SQL:


FROM products
ORDER BY productCode
LIMIT :offset, :limit


SELECT count(*) as total
FROM products

Run the command below and TypeSQL will generate a type-safe API to execute the queries.

pnpm exec typesql compile --watch

Create the +page.server.ts file:

import { conn } from "../lib/connection";
import { selectProducts, selectProductsTotalCount } from "../sqls";

const PAGE_SIZE = 5;

export async function load({ url }) {
    const page = +(url.searchParams.get('page') || 1);

    const products = await selectProducts(conn, {
        offset: (page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE,
        limit: PAGE_SIZE
    const total = await selectProductsTotalCount(conn).then(res => res!.total);

    return {
        pageSize: PAGE_SIZE

Now you can use the type-safe result in the `+page.svelte" page:

Congrats! You have a table with server-side pagination:

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