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Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Inertia + Unocss 🔥

This is a Laravel 9 starter template that is configured to use Vite, Svelte, Inertia, and Unocss.


  • Laravel 9
  • Vite
  • Svelte
  • Inertia
  • Unocss
  • Typescript
  • Spatie Laravel Data

Automatic route generation for Inertia âš¡

ziggy.js file will be generated automatically from the routes/web.php file. This allows you to use the route() function in your Svelte components .

Automatic types generation for laravel-data package âš¡

generated.d.ts file will be generated automatically from the data classes in the App/Data directory>


  • git clone
  • Edit '.env' and set your database connection details
  • Generate app key php artisan key:generate;
  • Generate types php artisan typescript:transform
  • Generate ziggy routes php artisan ziggy:generate

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