

A small application developed using Svelte and Bulma.


This is a simple application I put together using Svelte and Bulma for the UI side of things. I wanted a simple tool that would allow me to keep track of tasks I had worked on, so this is what came out of that effort. The application has the following features...

  • Uses browser local storage for data, nothing is sent to the server. Of course this means it won't work if browser local storage is not available.

  • Allows for quick creation of tasks via their title only but there's also a facility to add additional details.

  • Tasks can be made 'sticky'. Sticky tasks will carry forward from one day to the next until they are marked as completed. Sticky is turned on by default for tasks.

  • There's a stand up view that shows the tasks that were active today and yesterday. This also includes details of how many days in a week the particular task was active and how many days in total the task has been active.

  • There's a week view that shows all the tasks that were active during a particular week along with the total number of days those tasks have been active.

I made add other facilities and functionality over time. I've put the application online for use at http://tasktrak.online - HTTPS will be added as soon as I get around to it.

Running The Application Locally

If you want to run the application locally then clone the repository and run the following commands from within the application folder created...

    $> npm install
    $> npm run dev

That should run up a server for the content that will be available on your local machine at http://localhost:5000.

To Do

This is currently a work in progress application and should be treated as such. That said, the following is a list of functionality (in no particular order) that I think I would like to address...

  • Get a proper site icon.

  • Add proper unit tests for the code.

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