svelte-vibe.d Svelte Themes

Svelte Vibe.d

Vibe.d (D-Lang) with Svelte! This requires node.js (to build svelte, nothing else) and Dub/Dlang to run.


Vibe.d (D-Lang) with Svelte! This requires node.js (to build svelte, nothing else) and Dub/Dlang to run.


Install the needed dependencies in Node.js (we only neeed node to build Svelte via Rollup.JS, this does not run as a server).

$ cd svelte && npm i

Install the needed dependendices in Dub/Dlang (this is the server backend).


$ dub run 

That's it! Svelte will automatically be built in nodejs.

How this works:

This runs the basic Vibe.d web framework as core server infrastructure and in the svelte directory you write your code as HTML/JS/CSS as usual with Svelte.js.

When you run the application the main() function will automatically execute the svelte build scripts, and transfer the build to the D-lang /public directory. In D we are reading the static files and passing the req/res for what you need. Sweet cybernetically enhanced front-end, with a sweet low-language @safe(r) compiled language.

Why was this built?

I dislike Pug/Jade/Diet templating engines, and love Svelte. This is a method to quickly bootstrap a nice Svelte UI with the greatness that is D-lang. I needed a low-cost, highly productive, low language embedded web view for a project I am working on for DNX Robotics, this matches all of the requirements needed.

If you don't know what D Lang is, it's the next greatest compiled language and has been around a lot longer than you think.

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