tauri-typescript-svelte Svelte Themes

Tauri Typescript Svelte

A tauri/typescript/svelte template

Tauri, Typescript, Svelte Template Repository

This repo provides a simple template for building a cross-platform app using tauri, typescript and svelte. Stores are provided using immer (see stores/testStore.ts).

The repo is not configured to use typescript in .svelte files. The suggested approach here is to define the majority of logic in imported .ts files. In particular, type-safe logic can be developed in stores built using the buildImmerActionStore found in immerActionStore.ts.

Getting started

  1. Create a repo from the template repo.
  2. Follow the steps to get started on the tauri docs. In particular, node, Rust and tauri-builder must be installed.
  3. in the repo directory run yarn to install dependencies.
  4. Run yarn dev to build the app with hot reloading.
  5. Run yarn dev:client to work on the client app in the browser
  6. Run yarn build to bundle the app.

Refer to the tauri docs for more information on configuring the application.

Tailwind CSS

The tailwind branch tracks the master branch but with tailwind CSS integrated. Start from this branch of the template if you want Tailwind CSS integration.


MIT, contributions welcome.

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