svelte-modal-custom-element Svelte Themes

Svelte Modal Custom Element

Modal custom element created with Svelte for svelte / esm and <script> projects

Svelte Modal Custom Element

This repository contains a project for a modal custom element created with Svelte.

Codepen example


npm i @whoisyeshua-svelte/modal-custom-element


Svelte Projects

You can import and use it as normal svelte component (don`t forget to add /svelte at the end of the package name):

<script lang="ts">
  import { Modal } from '@whoisyeshua-svelte/modal-custom-element/svelte'

  let open = false

<Modal {open} on:close={() => open = false}>
  <h2 style="margin: 0" slot="header">Header</h2>
  <p>Main content</p>
<button on:click={() => open = true}>Show</button>

ESM projects

You can connect and use it like custom element (<svelte-modal> tag):

your html:

  <button id="open-modal">Open modal</button>
    <h2 slot="header" style="margin: 0">Header</h2>
    <p>This is some slotted content</p>
    /* hide while the script is loading and element is not defined */
    svelte-modal:not(:defined) {
      display: none;
  <script type="module" src="/src/main.ts"></script>

your entrypoint /src/main.ts or /src/main.js file:

import '@whoisyeshua-svelte/modal-custom-element/esm'

const modal = document.querySelector('svelte-modal')!
const openModalBtn = document.querySelector('#open-modal')!

const handleOpen = () => { = true
const handleClose = () => { = false
openModalBtn.addEventListener('click', handleOpen)
modal.addEventListener('close', handleClose) // or modal.onClose = handleClose

@whoisyeshua-svelte/modal-custom-element under the hood define custom component (<svelte-modal>), so you could use it from start

or like regular svelte component construcotr:

import { Modal } from '@whoisyeshua-svelte/modal-custom-element/esm'

let open = false

new Modal({
  target: document.body,
  props: {
    // component props go here
    onClose: () => (open = true)
  • Note that this esm build relies on your bundler (vite, rollup, webpack and etc), it comes without the svelte package built in, so your builder will have to add it. For this purpose we set svelte@^4.0.0 to peerDependencies.

Vanilla HTML / JS (through <script> tag)

CDN URL -[email protected]

<script src="[email protected]"></script>

full code example:

  <button id="open-modal">Open modal</button>
    <h2 slot="header" style="margin: 0">Header</h2>
    <p>This is some slotted content</p>
    /* hide while the script is loading and element is not defined */
    svelte-modal:not(:defined) {
      display: none;
  <script src="[email protected]"></script>
    const modal = document.querySelector('svelte-modal')
    const openModalBtn = document.querySelector('#open-modal')

    const handleOpen = () => { = true
    const handleClose = () => { = false
    openModalBtn.addEventListener('click', handleOpen)
    modal.addEventListener('close', handleClose)


Customizing svelte-modal CSS: You can override the CSS custom properties within a parent component or your project's main CSS file to customize the appearance of the svelte-modal web component. Here's an example of how to override some of the custom properties:

svelte-modal {
  --svelte-modal-dialog-w: 40em;
  --svelte-modal-dialog-br: 2em;
  --svelte-modal-dialog-backdrop-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

List of CSS Custom Properties:

  • --svelte-modal-dialog-w: Controls the width of the dialog. Default value is clamp(20em, 33vw, 32em).
  • --svelte-modal-dialog-br: Controls the border radius of the dialog. Default value is 1em.
  • --svelte-modal-dialog-backdrop-bg: Controls the background of the dialog's backdrop. Default value is hsla(0 0% var(--lightness) / 30%).
  • --svelte-modal-dialog-backdrop-filter: Controls the filter of the dialog's backdrop. Default value is blur(10px).
  • --svelte-modal-dialog-padding: Controls the padding inside the dialog's div. Default value is 1em.
  • --svelte-modal-header-container-gap: Controls the gap between items in the header container. Default value is 1em.
  • --svelte-modal-button-w: Controls the width of the close button. Default value is 32px.
  • --svelte-modal-button-h: Controls the height of the close button. Default value is 32px.
  • --svelte-modal-button-br: Controls the border radius of the close button. Default value is 100px.
  • --svelte-modal-button-hover-bg: Controls the background color of the close button on hover. Default value is hsla(0 0% var(--lightness) / 10%).
  • --svelte-modal-button-active-bg: Controls the background color of the close button on active. Default value is hsla(0 0% var(--lightness) / 25%).

Each custom property provides a way to customize a specific aspect of the svelte-modal component's appearance. By overriding these custom properties, you can tailor the modal's look to better fit your project's design requirements.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd svelte-modal-custom-element

Install the necessary dependencies:

npm install

Build package:

npm run package

Publish package:

npm publish


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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