svelte-ecommerce-design Svelte Themes

Svelte Ecommerce Design

Simple Responsive CSS and JS only ecommerce landing page design in svelte

Svelte Ecommerce Design

This is a simple trial at creating an ecommerce site called potted plants using the UI design from Anastasia Petrenko's Design of an online potted plants store on Behance. The UI uses basic HTML, CSS for the UI design and svelte for basic interactions and animations. Routify is used for client side routing of the site. A basic golang backend has been created to deal with basic authentication on the profile page of the site.


Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements on your machine.

  • Installed node and have npm as well.
  • You have git installed on your machine

How to Install Locally

  • Change directory into the folder you want to put the code in
  • Clone the repository
    $ git clone
  • Change directory into the newly cloned application in your machine
    $ cd svelte-ecommerce-design
  • Install all dependencies from the package.json file
    $ npm install
  • Run the development server on your machine
    $ npm run dev
  • Visit the site on your machine via localhost:5000

Live site


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