Intergrating web-components build with Svelte in to React, Vue and Svelte
open vue on http://localhost:3003/ open svelte on http://localhost:3004/ open react on http://localhost:3005/
build with yarn berry (yarn 2)
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
import { get_current_component } from 'svelte/internal';
const component = get_current_component();
const originalDispatch = createEventDispatcher();
const dispatch = (name, detail) => {
originalDispatch(name, detail);
component?.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name, { detail }));
export let name
$: (name) && dispatch('namechanged', { name })
Hello, {name}
<input bind:value={name}>
import { tick } from 'svelte';
let value = '';
async function onInput(event) {
const input = this;
let selectionStart = input.selectionStart;
let selectionEnd = input.selectionEnd;
value = input.value.toUpperCase();
await tick();
input.selectionStart = selectionStart;
input.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
<input on:input={onInput} {value} />