
Sveltekit Gh Pages Spa Template


This template is built for SvelteKit SPAs on GitHub Pages, the main issue with GitHub Pages and SvelteKit SPAs is that GitHub Pages cannot resolve dynamic routes, if you have a route like /blog/[slug], if you go to it through SvelteKit's router (by lieu of an <a> tag or await goto('/blog/' + slug)) it works fine, but if you try refreshing the page or going to the route manually by editing the URL, GitHub Pages will return a 404.

For the TL;DR on how this works, basically, we define a "fallback" page which is a page that simply starts the router, in GitHub Pages, if you define a 404.html file, when it encounters a 404, it goes back to that page. So SvelteKit generates a file called 404.html that starts the router if we define it in the adapter's options.

Demo App

There is also a demo app you can find at which showcases this.

Manual Steps

Configuring the SPA

To switch a SvelteKit app to an SPA, the best way is to use @sveltejs/adapter-static instead of @sveltejs/adapter-auto.

pnpm add -D @sveltejs/adapter-static
pnpm remove @sveltejs/adapter-auto # @sveltejs/adapter-auto is pre-installed in most SvelteKit setups.

...Then configure it to use @sveltejs/adapter-static instead of @sveltejs/adapter-auto and add some configuration for GitHub Pages and the src/404.html file:

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'; // edit this line
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  // Consult
    // for more information about preprocessors
    preprocess: vitePreprocess(),

  kit: {
    paths: {
      // If you're using custom domains, this can be left out. Since GitHub Pages usually has
      // a format of `<username><repositoryname>`, `base` needs to be set to accomodate
      // that. Replace `sveltekit-gh-pages-spa-template` to your repository's name.
      base: process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' ? '/sveltekit-gh-pages-spa-template' : ''

    adapter: adapter({ fallback: '404.html' }) // rely on `404.html` when rending dynamic routes

export default config;

You also need to create a src/routes/+layout.ts/js file to mark routes as prerendered and non-SSR.

export const prerender = true;
export const ssr = false;

Renaming routes in your project

If you're not using a custom domain (not <username><repositoryname>) and edited the base value in the SvelteKit configuration, you need to replace all the routes that are through <a> tags, goto or redirect with {base}/{route}. So if you are trying to route to /blog/[slug], you need to add {base}/blog/{slug} (and import { base } from '$app/paths') instead of /blog/{slug} since without the {base}, in production code (GitHub Pages), it will try to route to /blog/[slug] which doesn't exist, what exists however is /<repositoryname>/blog/[slug].

Note that this isn't necessary for relative routes so if you are making a dynamic route, something like /blog/[slug] and /blog/foo has a "relative route", an <a> tag with href="bar", there's no need to change it, since it will simply replace the current slug with bar when navigating to it.

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