svelte-easy-form Svelte Themes

Svelte Easy Form

A simple, easy to use form state and validation handler for Svelte

Svelte Easy Form

A simple, easy to use form state and validation handler for Svelte.

Table of Content


npm install @vkhalikov/svelte-easy-form

Live Example

Live example with different options is available here.

Basic usage

  1. Create a form model with createForm
      import createForm from '@vkhalikov/svelte-easy-form';
      // Declare a schema with initial values and validators
      const schema = {
        username: {
          value: 'admin',
          validators: [required('Login is required')],
        password: {
          validators: [required('Password is required')],
      const { values, errors, onInput, onSubmit } = createForm(schema);

    NOTE: Validators are not included in the package. See validator for details.

  2. Use it in your markup
    1. Create a form and pass it a submit handler. It will be called if all values are valid.
       <form on:submit="{onSubmit}" action="" method="post">
      If you want a custom handler, you can use submitHandler option.
    2. Create inputs.
        <form on:submit="{onSubmit}" action="" method="post">
          <input type="text" name="username" value="{$values.username}" on:input="{onInput}" />
          <input type="password" name="password" value="{$values.password}" on:input="{onInput}" />

      NOTE: attributes name, value, on:input are required.

      NOTE: values is a svelte store, therefore you can access it with a $ prefix.

    3. Show validation errors.
        <form on:submit="{onSubmit}" action="" method="post">
          <input type="text" name="username" value="{$values.username}" on:input="{onInput}" />
          {#if $errors.username}
             {$errors.username}  // Render it as is
          <input type="password" name="password" value="{$values.password}" on:input="{onInput}" />
          <ValidationError error="{$errors.password}" /> // Or create a component

      NOTE: errors is a svelte store, therefore you can access it with a $ prefix.



type CreateForm = (schema: Schema, options?: Options) => FormModel;


A schema is an object, that contains Fields which are used to construct a FormModel.

interface Schema {
  [fieldName: string]: Field;


interface Field {
  value?: any; // Initial value
  validators?: [Validator];

NOTE: If you don't need to set an initial value and validators for a field, you should still define a Field in Schema as an empty object:

const schema = {
  name: {},


Validator is a function that receives a field value and returns a validation error in any form if the value is invalid or null.

type Validator = (value: any) => any;


interface Options {
  validateOnInput?: boolean;
  submitHandler?: SubmitHandler;


Defaults to true

Defines whether the field should be validated immediately after a change. As user types in a symbol for example. If set to false, the field is validated on blur and submit.


Defaults to undefined

type SubmitHandler = (values: Writable, event: Event) => void;

If provided, SubmitHandler will be used instead of a default browser submit handler.


A form model that is returned from createForm function.

interface FormModel {
  values: Writable;
  errors: Writable;
  onInput: (e: Event) => void;
  onSubmit: (e: Event) => void;

values and errors

A Writable svelte stores, that contain current values and errors, that are accessible via $ prefix.

If you are unfamiliar with svelte stores, see the tutorial.


An event handler that updates and validates a value.

Should be passed to an input as on:input attribute.

NOTE: A value is not validated on input if the validateOnInput option is set to false.


An event handler that does 2 things:

  1. Validate all values for which validators were provided.
  2. If all values are valid:
    • If a SubmitHandler is provided, it will be called with the following arguments: (values, originalEvent)
    • Otherwise a default browser submit handler will be called

onSubmit should be passed to a form as on:submit attribute.


Any feedback is welcomed. If you want to propose changes follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repo

  2. Clone the fork

  3. Create a branch - git checkout -b {prefix}/new-feature

    Prefixes: feat for features, fix for fixes

  4. Make your changes and commit git commit -a - m "short description"

  5. Push changes git push origin {prefix}/new-feature

  6. Create new Pull Request

    NOTE: Please provide a description to your changes and link an issue if it's a bugfix

Current Development State

The project is in beta, therefore anything might be changed in the future

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