sveltekit-electron Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Electron

A minimal Sveltekit application with @sveltejs/adapter-node configured with Electron.

Electron with Sveltekit

A minimal Sveltekit application with @sveltejs/adapter-node configured with Electron.


The development server can be started with:

npm run dev

If you want to just work on the Sveltekit application, then start the server with:

npm run dev:svelte


You can preview the app with:

npm run preview

For just the Sveltekit app, run:

npm run preview:svelte


To create a final build of the app, run:

npm run build

To build just the Sveltekit app, run:

npm run build:svelte

To build just the Electron app, run:

npm run build:electron

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