Stack :
Once you have installed your pocketBase along with this repo, run the following :
make -s appStart
It will start both svelte server and pocketBase for you. Find the local urls in the terminal tabs the previous command just opened.
The Backend itself is the server side environment allowed by svelteKit. If you are beginner to svelte, just keep in mind these are the two point in the repo where server side code happens :
Within the route folder :
Within the lib folder :
These piece of Server side code are interacting with pocket base.
Svelte front-End <=> Svelte Backend <====> PocketBase
Here is the dataFlow from a page
PocketBase instance hosted on
Pocket.Io dashboard :
PocketBase Dashboard :
This tool can be used to manually sync Schmea between local and prod database
The app is hosted on vercel :
Push a commit on master to trigger the continuous deployment.