a toy programing languages.
Made with typescript, svelte + vite, svelte-spa-router & tailwindcss.
I had zero clue about making a programming languages or compiler design – never really learned any of that stuff at the time. One morning I just woke up with a hackathon in 2 hours and no idea what to build. So I just thought "I gotta make a programing language". I had to keep it web based cause it was a web-focused hackathon. I was given 6 hours and made it's initial version in those hours. I am continunig this after my hackathon cause why not. This project is more of a experiment.
Code it on: coylang.netlify.app/#/play
A simple guide available here: coylang.netlify.app/#/guide
(will try) (soon)
Coy is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.