sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Adapter Pdf Gen Cdk

This SvelteKit adapter allow you to quickly build your own PDF generation service using PDF templates written in Svelte. The adapter will generate a CDK construct which you can simply import into your CDK.



The package is available on NPM and can be installed using your package manager of choice:

npm i @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk
pnpm add @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk
yarn add @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk


To get started you simply create a new SvelteKit project and add the adapter to your config:


import adapter from "@flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk";
import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";

export default {
  preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter(),

Now, when the project is built, the adapter will generate a CDK construct in the output directory (dist/ by default) which can be imported and integrated into your CDK project.

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