This SvelteKit adapter allow you to quickly build your own PDF generation service using PDF templates written in Svelte. The adapter will generate a CDK construct which you can simply import into your CDK.
The package is available on NPM and can be installed using your package manager of choice:
npm i @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk
pnpm add @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk
yarn add @flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk
To get started you simply create a new SvelteKit project and add the adapter to your config:
import adapter from "@flit/sveltekit-adapter-pdf-gen-cdk";
import { vitePreprocess } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";
export default {
preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
Now, when the project is built, the adapter will generate a CDK construct in the output directory (dist/
by default) which can be imported and integrated into your CDK project.