phUNO Svelte Themes


A free online version of UNO. Supports unlimited players and any rules. Built with SvelteKit.


UNO for free, online, multiplayer, with any rules

How it works

phUNO is a SvelteKit website that connects to a backend, phDOS server. They use native websockets to communicate. The index page simply directs the player to the game page.

The game page

The game page is split into three 3 stages:

  • Profile: client chooses a name, and joins the room
  • Lobby: client waits for game to start and can see other players; the host has the power to start the game
  • Game: the game page has sub-pages, navigated by the bottom black menu bar
    • Board (base page, the others are overlaid on top)
      • Hand: holds the player's cards vertically
      • Piles: contains the discard and draw pile
      • Players: a list of players, showing the size of their hands
    • Help: instructions on how to play
    • History: a log of everyone's actions
    • Leave: a page with a button to leave

The state of the client is held in the store.


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with pnpm install start a development server:

pnpm dev


pnpm build

You can preview the built app with pnpm preview, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.

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