svelte-wheel-picker Svelte Themes

Svelte Wheel Picker


A customizable and interactive wheel picker component for Svelte applications, inspired by the classic iOS time selector.


  • Customizable wheel picker with smooth scrolling and inertia
  • Configurable number of visible options and density
  • Perspective effect for a 3D wheel appearance
  • Hover effects with unwrapping and stamping effect options
  • Responsive design with options to fill parent container
  • Touch and mouse event support for mobile and desktop
  • No dependencies


npm install svelte-wheel-picker

Basic Usage

  import WheelPicker from 'svelte-wheel-picker';

  let data = [
    {value: 1, label: "Option 1"},
    {value: 2, label: "Option 2"},
    {value: 3, label: "Option 3"},
    // Add more options as needed

<WheelPicker {data} />

Advanced Usage

Customizing Appearance and Behavior

  import WheelPicker from 'svelte-wheel-picker';

  let data = [
    // Your data array here

  let options = {
    visibleOptions: 5,
    density: 10,
    perspective: 30,
    friction: 3,

  let rollOnHover = {
    enable: true,
    unwrap: 85,
    stamp: true,
    fixList: false,
    transformSpeed: 0.3

  let fillParent = {
    enable: true

  style="background-color: #f0f0f0;"


Prop Type Default Description
data Array [...] Array of objects with value and label properties
selectedOption object data[0] Initially selected option
classes string "" Custom CSS classes
style string "" Custom inline styles
options object {} Configuration options for the wheel
rollOnHover object {enable: false} Configuration for hover effects
fillParent object {enable: false} Configuration for filling parent container

options Object Properties

Property Type Default Description
visibleOptions number 7 Number of visible options
density number visibleOptions * 2 Density of options (affects scaling)
marginY number 2 Vertical margin (in %)
perspective number 0 Perspective effect (0-180)
staticPointerTimer number 200 Timer for static pointer (in ms)
friction number 4 Friction for inertia effect
overflow string "hidden" Overflow behavior ("hidden" or "visible")

rollOnHover Object Properties

Property Type Default Description
enable boolean false Enable hover effects
unwrap number 85 Unwrap percentage on hover (0-99)
stamp boolean false Enable stamping effect
fixList boolean true Fix list position on hover
transformSpeed number 0.3 Animation speed for transformations

fillParent Object Properties

Property Type Default Description
enable boolean false Enable filling parent container
height string undefined Custom height when not filling parent


The WheelPicker component does not emit custom events, but it updates the selectedOption internally. You can bind to this value to react to changes:

<script lang="ts">
  import WheelPicker from 'svelte-wheel-picker';
  import type {DataOption} from 'svelte-wheel-picker'
  let selectedOption:DataOption;

<WheelPicker bind:selectedOption {...otherProps} />

{#if selectedOption}
  <p>Selected: {selectedOption.label} (Value: {selectedOption.value})</p>


The WheelPicker component uses inline styles for most of its styling needs. You can customize its appearance using the classes and style props, as well as by adjusting the options object.

Browser Compatibility

This component uses modern JavaScript features and CSS properties. Ensure you're using it in a compatible environment or provide appropriate polyfills.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Created by um-dev

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