fastapi-sveltekit-starter Svelte Themes

Fastapi Sveltekit Starter

A FastAPI based starter/boilerplate: Async SQLAlchemy, Postgres, Sveltekit, pytest


A FastAPI based starter/boilerplate: Async SQLAlchemy, Postgres, Sveltekit, pytest

How to use

You need Python 3 and pip installed locally. Run the cookiecutter command (at least 1.7) and you'll be asked a few prompts.

pip3 install cookiecutter

If you want to keep up to date with upstream changes (i.e. changes in this template), then it's better to use Cruft, which is fully compatible with Cookiecutter.

pip3 install cruft
cruft create

Using cruft will generate a metadata file named .cruft.json (don't delete it). Later on you can update to the current version of this cookiecutter and import the changes to your generated project by running this command:

cruft update


  • To be updated

Features not included

The following features were left out in favour of simplicity:

  • Celery/Flower/Redis - Not needed for simple projects, Celery can be easily replaced with background tasks.

Things to do

  • [] Setup FastAPI CRUD example
  • [] Add pre-commit hooks: Black, isort, flake8, mypy, tslint
  • [] Async SQLAlchemy
  • [] Create Github action
  • [] Dependabot config
  • [] Fix docker setup
  • [] Deploy with gunicorn as process manager (recommended for production)
  • [] Coverage report in tests
  • [] Deployment instructions

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