tauri-sveltekit-template Svelte Themes

Tauri Sveltekit Template

Minimal template for building cross-platform desktop applications with Tauri and SvelteKit


Minimal template for building cross-platform desktop applications with Tauri and SvelteKit.

Setting up

  1. Set up your development environment for Tauri: https://tauri.studio/en/docs/getting-started/intro

  2. Install Tauri CLI

    cargo install tauri-cli --version ^1.0.0-beta
  3. Set up your project

    cd your-project
    npm install


cargo tauri dev


cargo tauri build --verbose

How to set up from scratch

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a project like this from scratch.

  1. Firstly, complete the first two steps in Setting up

  2. Initialize a new SvelteKit app

    npm init svelte@next my-app
    # Which Svelte app template? » Skeleton project
    # Use TypeScript? » Yes
    # Add ESLint for code linting?  » Yes
    # Add Prettier for code formatting?  » Yes
    cd my-app
    npm install
  3. Install additional dependencies

    npm install @tauri-apps/api @sveltejs/adapter-static@next
  4. Configure svelte.config.js

     // Add this to the imports
     import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
     // Add this under config.kit
     adapter: adapter({
         pages: 'build',
         assets: 'build'
  5. Initialize a Tauri project

    cargo tauri init
    # Where are your web assets located? » ../build
    # What is the url of your dev server? » http://localhost:3000
  6. Configure src-tauri/tauri.conf.json

    • Set beforeDevCommand to npm run dev
    • Set beforeBuildCommand to npm run build
  7. Test it out

    cargo tauri info
    cargo tauri dev

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