devcamp-2324b-leaderboard Svelte Themes

Devcamp 2324b Leaderboard

Leaderboard for the DevCamp for the 2324B iteration.

DevCamp Leaderboard

Name GitHub
Sebastian Luis S. Ortiz [@BastiDood]
Angelica Julianne A. Raborar [@Anjellyrika]


Environment Variables

Name Description Default
GITHUB_TOKEN [GitHub API token][gh-api] used for querying additional user data.
GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI Obtained from the Google service account credentials.
GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_ID Spreadsheet ID of the grading sheet.
GOOGLE_NAMED_RANGE Hard-coded named range used in the grading sheet. all
GOOGLE_EMAIL Generated email obtained from the Google service account credentials.
GOOGLE_PRIVATE_ID ID of the service account's private key obtained from the Google service account credentials.
GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY PKCS#8 private key of the service account obtained from the Google service account credentials.
PUBLIC_LAST_UPDATE UNIX timestamp of last leaderboard update in milliseconds.

Running the Web Server

# Install the dependencies.
pnpm install

# Synchronize auto-generated files from SvelteKit.
pnpm sync

# Start the development server with live reloading + hot module replacement.
pnpm dev

# Compile the production build (i.e., with optimizations).
pnpm build

# Start the production preview server.
pnpm preview

Linting the Codebase

# Check Formatting
pnpm fmt # prettier

# Apply Formatting Auto-fix
pnpm fmt:fix # prettier --write

# Check Linting Rules
pnpm lint:html   # linthtml
pnpm lint:css    # stylelint
pnpm lint:js     # eslint
pnpm lint:svelte # svelte-check

# Check All Lints
pnpm lint

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