Svelte Apollo Client

Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL.

Heavily based on svelte apollo


yarn add svelte-apollo-client

Additional packages (Peer dependencies)

yarn add @apollo/client graphql

The client

Create the client

// client.ts
import { InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client/core";
import { SvelteApolloClient } from "svelte-apollo-client";

export const client = SvelteApolloClient({
  uri: "/graphql",
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),

Import the client in your component

import { client } from "path/to/client";

// You can use svelte's setContext/getContext to make this client available to all sub-components
// If you only intend to use on client for your entire app, then importing this client directly is fine


Query an Apollo client, returning a readable store of result values. Uses Apollo's watchQuery , for fetching from the network and watching the local cache for changes. If the client is hydrating after SSR, it attempts a readQuery to synchronously check the cache for values.

client.query(document[, options])
  import { client } from "$lib/client";
  import { gql } from "@apollo/client/core";

  let rates;

  function getRates() {
    rates = client.query(gql`
      query GetRates {
        rates(currency: "USD") {

<button on:click={getRates}>Get rates</button>

{#if rates}
  {#if $rates.loading}
  {:else if $rates.error}
    Error: {$rates.error.message}
      {#each $, 5) as rate}
          1 USD = {rate.rate} {rate.currency}

Reactive variables are supported with refetch:

  import { client } from "$lib/client";
  import { SEARCH_BY_AUTHOR } from "./queries";

  export let author;
  let search = "";

  const books = client.query(SEARCH_BY_AUTHOR, {
    variables: { author, search },

  // `books` is refetched when author or search change
  $: books.refetch({ author, search });

Author: {author}
<label>Search <input type="text" bind:value="{search}" /></label>

  {#if $books.loading}
  {:else if $books.error}
    <li>ERROR: {$books.error.message}</li>
  {:else if $}
    {#each $ as book (}
    <li>No books found</li>


Prepare a GraphQL mutation with the Apollo client, using Apollo's mutate .

client.mutate(document[, options])
  import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';
  import { client } from './graphql/client';

  let mutation;

  async function createCustomer () {
    mutation = null;
    mutation = await client.mutate(gql`mutation customerCreate($input: CustomerInput!) {
        input: $input
        customer {
        userErrors {
    }`, {
      variables: {
        input: {
          firstName: "name",
          lastName: "lastname",
          email: "[email protected]"

  <button on:click={createCustomer}>Create customer</button>
    {#if mutation}
          <li>ID: {}</li>
          <li>Customer: {}</li>
          <li>Email: {}</li>
      {:else if}
        <ul style="color: red">
          {#each as error}


Subscribe using an Apollo client, returning a store that is compatible with {#await $...}. Uses Apollo's subscribe .

client.subscribe(document[, options])
  import { client } from './graphql/client';
  import { NEW_BOOKS } from "./queries";

  const newBooks = client.subscribe(NEW_BOOKS);

{#if $newBooks.loading}
  Waiting for new books...
{:else if $}
  New Book: {$}


Restore a previously executed query (e.g. via preload) into the Apollo cache.

<script context="module">
  import { client } from "$lib/client";
  import { GET_BOOKS } from "./queries";

  export async function preload() {
    return {
      preloaded: await client.query({ query: GET_BOOKS }),

  import { client } from "$lib/client";

  export let preloaded;

  // Load preloaded values into client's cache
  client.restore(GET_BOOKS, preloaded);

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