Shopify App using SvelteKit

Warning: Expermimental code ahead

Steps to follow

git clone my-app
# OR if you want to remove the repo git history
npx degit my-app 
# Then
cd my-app
npm install
# Switch to another folder
shopify app create # You can also create an app on
# This will create an app and will clone the react app which we don't need
# Back to the clone folder 
shopify app connect
# By now your .env file should be generated
shopify app serve
# Shopify serve will update the urls of your app and will use ngrok to make your local server visible to the outside


If you encounter a 500 error, clear the browser cache and retry (it's a redirect cache issue)
If you encounter a 403 error, make sure to clear the cookies then retry shopify serve again.
If you encounter another issue, you can report it here

A better DX approach

Using ngrok can be slow and can give you a bad developer experience. Follow these instructions to improve your DX.

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