undts Svelte Themes


💥 Crazy d.ts files generator, supports .vue, .svelte, .astro, .vine.ts files✨


Crazy d.ts files generator💥Supports multiple template languages!

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What files can it bundle to become d.ts?

  • Normal .ts, .tsx files
  • .vue files, using @vue/compiler-sfc
  • .svelte files, using svelte2tsx
  • .astro files, using @astrojs/compiler
  • .vine.ts files, using @vue-vine/compiler

All special files can be disabled by options, just set like vue: false, svelte: false, etc.

I will keep the configuration as simple as possible, just like tsup ⚡️

Quick Start

pnpm install undts

Create a file in your project root directory:

import { build } from 'undts'

  entry: [
    // Add your entry files here

  // ... more options, you can see jsdoc in the source code

Then run this file with node/tsx/ts-node, for example:

pnpx tsx your-file.ts

It will generate d.ts file in dist directory by default. You can change the output directory by outDir option:

  entry: ['./src/index.ts'],
  outDir: './types', // default is './dist'

Using with frameworks

Thanks to the powerful unplugin, undts can be used in combination with vite/rollup/esbuild with zero configuration, it will automatically using the vite/rollup/esbuild configuration file's entry/input option as the entry option of undts.

Using with Vite Lib mode(Recommended)
// vite.config.ts
import undts from 'undts/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    lib: {
      // undts will automatically use this entry, you don't need to set it again in plugin options
      entry: 'src/index.ts',

  plugins: [
Using with Rollup + SWC
// rollup.config.mjs
import swc from '@rollup/plugin-swc'
import { defineConfig } from 'rollup'
import undts from 'undts/rollup'

export default defineConfig({
  input: 'src/index.ts',
  output: {
    dir: 'dist',
    format: 'es',

  plugins: [
    // It will automatically use input option as the entry option of undts
Using with tsup(it powered by esbuild)
// tsup.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'tsup'
import undts from 'undts/esbuild'

export default defineConfig({
  entry: ['src/index.ts'],
  // Disable tsup's default dts generation, use undts instead
  dts: false,
  sourcemap: true,
  esbuildPlugins: [
    // It will automatically use entry option as the entry option of undts


undts's plugin system is extended from rollup and added some new hooks, you can use it to customize the behavior of undts.

  • dtsConfig: This hook is called when starting call build function, you can modify the undts's configuration by this hook.
  • transformInclude: This hook is called when undts encounters a file that needs to be included in the cache bundle, you can use this hook to modify the file content before it is included in the cache bundle.
  • transformCallExpression: This hook is called when undts encounters a TypeScript CallExpression node, the main purpose of this hook is to convert the import() function.
  • transformImportDeclaration/transformExportDeclaration: These hooks are called when undts encounters a TypeScript ImportDeclaration/ExportDeclaration node, the main purpose of these hooks is to convert the import/export statement.
  • transformSourceFile: This hook is called when undts encounters a TypeScript SourceFile instance, this hook will be called after all of the above hooks have been called.
  • writeCacheBundle: This hook is called when undts writes the cache bundle to the disk, you can use this hook to modify the cache bundle before it is written to the disk. It enabled bundled option (default is enabled), the real cache bundle path will be delivered to rollup's input option and transform by rollup-plugin-dts plugin.

License & Author

Naily Zero & MIT

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