
Country & City Info Directory & Travel Guide.

Current Version


  • Stores & Commercial added to travel routes
  • Activities & Attractions added to travel routes
  • Tidying of travel route codebase

Previous Versions


  • Economy section added to country pages
  • Climate & Geography section added to country pages
  • Streaming of history page, fixing occasional 500 errors
  • Tidying of dead code
  • Style changes


  • Travel and city routes combined. All info can now be found through the travel route
  • Improved checks for potential missing data
  • Style changes


  • Changes to country page sorting system (Clicking a sort tab a second time will reverse sort)
  • Changes to nature route image fetching
  • Style changes


  • Travel routes city limit updated (10 -> 18)
  • Nature routes now feature images of local wildlife
  • Removed a check that tested whether to add 'Nature' link to country page, nature page now available for all countries
  • City routes fix to dead pages in places with repeating names, such as 'New York, New York'


  • ./travel/city pages now have images of given city
  • Updates to homepage
  • Style changes


  • Tourist & Sightseeing locations added to ./travel/city pages
  • Accuracy of travel routes greatly increased by using coordinates instead of city names
  • Nature route now accessible on many more pages


  • More info on country selection page
  • Country selection page can now be sorted (Alphabetically, Population Size, Area Size)
  • Issue with place data fixed (Multiple word cities were being fetched as the first word, i.e. 'New York' -> 'New')
  • Style changes


  • Nature route added, featuring summary country flora and fauna
  • Styling improved for cities routes


  • Cities now have an independent route. This is composed into three sections, 'Cities', 'Towns', and 'Villages'.
  • Folklore now extended with more detail if available. Fixing many 'single sentence' pages
  • Photo route tailored to show more landscape/nature images and less map/flag images
  • Travel route returns a limit of 10 cities (Previously it returned 30, with the lower 20 usually having no travel info)


  • Cities now stream to travel pages, improving navigation speed
  • Preloading disabled for travel pages, fixing 500 error


  • Photos route now available via county pages. Displays country images
  • Country celebrities now available via culture pages
  • Country folklore summary now available via culture pages
  • Toggles added for celebrities and recipes on culture pages
  • Refactoring of culture pages
  • Style changes


  • Added toggle to hide news images
  • Fixes to news route styling
  • Culture route info now streams to the page, greatly increasing navigation speed
  • News routes temporarily halted due to faulty API


  • News route now available via country pages. Displays local news.
  • Small changes


  • Travel page now streams hotels and accommodations, greatly increasing navigation speed
  • Country page now streams most info, increasing navigation speed
  • Style changes


  • Added recipes (ingredients, instructions and servings) related to given country (if applicable). Can be found in culture route
  • Small changes


  • History routes extended with more info
  • Culture now has its own route, allowing more info and quicker country route loading
  • Better style consistency


  • Culture summary added to country routes
  • Check added for wiki summary disambiguation


  • Redesign and complete refactoring of country-page css
  • 'Most populous cities' removed from countries page. (City info will be put in its own page, eventually)
  • Small fixes


  • Added culinary tradition to country routes
  • Error handling for country driving side
  • Style changes


  • AI Generated Travel Info Chunk for every './cityName/travel' route
  • Styles fixed to 'known-for' tabs on wide screens


  • Images added to city travels routes
  • 'Known-for' tags added to city travel routes
  • Improvements to site for phone-based users
  • Error fixes


  • Fixed duplicate history blips
  • Fixed name conflicts on traceback
  • Style changes


  • History routes added
  • Webcams on country route removed (causing many errors)
  • Style changes


  • Travel route info no longer limited to only hotels
  • Proper error handling for travel routes (whoops)
  • Styling for travel routes


  • Travel routes reopened
  • Hotel data now displayed for cities (making it not ugly is a WIP)
  • Other small fixes...


  • Great improvements to routing
  • Simply country data now fetched via Alpha3, fixing many problems. (eg. 'georgia' linking to 'south georgia island')
  • Ghost continent route 'antarctic' fixed.
  • Travel and history routes halted for time being


  • Added country history page
  • Country page load speed greatly improved
  • WIP Travel page added to country routes


  • Fixed styling on homepage
  • Error catching for country data route


  • SCSS added to better organize styling
  • Improvement to routing speed
  • Mobile support improved
  • No longer pulling images from Unsplash


  • Mobile Support
  • Webcams Added
  • Style Fixes


  • Cities added
  • Changes to Wiki article fetching
  • Fixes to routing

0.0.5 --> 0.0.9

  • Better stability
  • More info added to country routes
  • Troublesome folder removed


  • More country info
  • Pulling images from Unsplash

0.0.2 --> 0.0.3

  • First deployment
  • Much more info added to countries


  • Homepage added
  • Countries split by region
  • Country list added

Data We Have

  • Country name, common and official
  • Country area size (sq km)
  • Country capital info
  • Country border info
  • Country language info
  • Country currency info
  • Country domain info
  • Country cuisine info
  • Country culture info
  • Country travel advisories
  • Country UN status
  • Country independence status
  • Country landlocked status
  • Country driving-side
  • Country recipes
  • Country photos
  • Country celebrities
  • Country flora & fauna
  • Country wildlife photos
  • Country general summary
  • Country folklore summary
  • Country climate summary
  • Country geography summary
  • Country economy summary
  • Most populous cities in given country
  • City general summary
  • City coordinates
  • City population
  • City photos
  • Hotels and other accommodations in a city
  • Advisory data
  • Hotels in a given city
  • Accommodations in a given city
  • Tourist Spots in given city
  • Sightseeing locations in given city
  • Historical locations in given city
  • History summary
  • History blips of given country
  • Culture Summary
  • Local cuisine culture
  • Recipes relating to given country

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