zambia-income-tax-calc Svelte Themes

Zambia Income Tax Calc

πŸ’° 🏦 πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡² Zambian Tax Calculator progressive web app built using Sapper/Svelte

A personal exercise.

Goal: achieve a reactive Tax calculator for Zambian salaries as a way of experimenting with Sapper/Svelte.

Bonus: This app runs as a Progressive Web App with offline support.

Want to try it out?

Checkout repo, run yarn run dev. (or use npm...)

NOTE: This repo is a learning exercise, it may not be accurate and should not be considered sound financial advice...


Thanks for contributing


Deduction sources

*all links retrieved - 17/04/2020
Zambia Revenue Authority
National Pension Scheme Authority
Pension Ceiling
The National Health Insurance Management Authority


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Made with :heart: in :zambia:

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