Svelte + Markdown === Awesome!
SveltePress is a static site generator made up of svelte components and markdown and a simple build pipeline script. You create you content using markdown with front-matter, then you can use svelte components to present your content. Svelte is html components that make it easy for you to manage how the markup is presented as well as add your css. The default setup is an example of how you might want to setup a blog site, but you can use this tool for any site that you have content that can be compiled and delivered.
There are a lot of SSGs and one could argue it is a solved problem, but I wanted to see what this might look like
using svelte
which is a superset of html, versus having to learn a bunch on patterns and a lot of tooling. Also,
markdown is great for creating and managing content, finally leveraging tools like zeit
to automatically deploy when pushed to github. Getting started is straight forward if you have a good solid background in html, css, and javascript. Also, you will neeed nodejs installed and have a little knowledge about npm or yarn. If you want to deploy with a single command, getting a zeit account makes deploying static web apps one command.
First you want to use degit to create a new project:
npm install degit -g
degit twilson63/sveltepress myblog
is a cli tool that will checkout a git repo for you, but not attach the git meta data, so you are
free to modify and make it your own project.
Next you will want to cd into the project directory and install dependencies:
cd myblog
npm install
Setting your blog meta data:
Open the package.json
and modify the meta
node to include your project meta data, like title, author,
"meta": {
"title": "My Awesome Blog",
"author": {
"name": "Tom Wilson",
"twitter": "@twilson63",
"bio": "A Javascript Developer"
Run the dev server
npm run dev
Now, you are ready to start adding content, this blog press project uses markdown with front matter for your content files. Here is an example,
Use the
folder to add yourmarkdown
ID: my-url-id
title: My Title
date: 2019-01-01
My Awesome Article
It is recommended that you use these three keys in your front-matter for markdown, but you can use anything you want, it will pass to each component in the props
object for eachpost
or in the articles array in theblog
There are currently two basic components, which you can customize with your best html, css, and javascript.
folder.These components are located in the components
folder, you can modify these components or remove them and add your own components. The components are written in Svelte
The pipeline script to build the static site is in build.js
and can be adjusted to totally customizable, it is
a composed set of functions that starts with creating the dist
directory to reading the content and generating the
pages and copying the assets over.
The assets are stored in content/assets
and any file stored in this directory or child directories will be copied over to the dist/assets
folder, so it is easy to create asset links in your markdown files or svelte components.

<img src="/assets/avatar.png" alt="avatar" />
The current focus of this project is simplicity and composibility, for example, if you want to add an image compression lib to the build pipeline, all you have to do is create a function and then require it to the build pipeline. Examples coming soon.
We also see a potential to mix both static and dynamic sites/apps together, by leveraging mono repos and zeit serverless. For example you should be able to create a static project and a dynamic project in the same repo, then create a single now.json file to manage deploying both to the same url.
This will give you a lot of flexibility in what you can accomplish leveraging patterns and practices that you have without having to learn some customized system. More to come here.
The license for this project is MIT
Bugs, examples, pipeline functions are welcome either as npm modules or pull requests is considered a core need.
You can checkout the Tutorial Site at