oauth-debugger Svelte Themes

Oauth Debugger

Debug and test your OAuth2 code with this mock resource server


An app for debugging oauth code, a mock Service Api


See our api documentation for full details of each endpoint that's available.


This app can be built, and run, in many different ways.


There is a Dockerfile with this project that can be used to run the application. This Docker build will build the Go app, the Webpack front end, and finally runs the app.

docker build -t oauthdebugger .
docker run --name oauthdebugger --rm -p 8090:8090 oauthdebugger:latest


make docker-run

Just the UI

The UI is built, or dev served, by Webpack.

cd frontend/src/
npm install
npm run build # for production build
npm run dev # for dev build
npm run serve # for dev server

Just the Go Functions

There is a Go program that can host all the functions in one server for local development.

go build ./cmd/service/main.go


The app is deployed in two pieces, the UI and Go functions.

Docker Deploy

There is a Dockerfile made specifically for deploying the app to Google Cloud. This app consumes two environment variables for configuration, and mounts secrets in a volume.

docker build -t oad-deploy --file deploy.Dockerfile .
docker run -it --name dply --rm -e "GCP_PROJECT=xxx" -e "GCP_ACCOUNT=yyy" -v secrets:/secrets oad-deploy 


GCP_PROJECT=xxx GCP_ACCOUNT=yyy make deploy-run
ENV Value
GCP_ACCOUNT Email of GCP Service Account used for deployment


The UI is hosted using GCP Firebase. To deploy it using the CLI,

firebase deploy --only hosting:outh-debugger


make firebase-deploy

Go Functions

The Go functions are hosted as GCP cloud functions. These can be deployed via CLI in the following manner, but note that you must manually copy other files and folders in. I would strongly advise using the Docker container to deploy.

cd functions
gcloud functions deploy client --allow-unauthenticated --region=us-central1 \
  --runtime go113 --trigger-http --memory=128MB --entry-point=Client



Graphics are provided by Twemoji. Thank you for providing free SVG graphics.

Copyright 2020 Twitter, Inc and other contributors
Code licensed under the MIT License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
Graphics licensed under CC-BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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