
Svelte Chroma Picker

A color picker written in Svelte


What?! Yet another color picker? Yep, I wanted to learn svelte.


yarn add svelte-chroma-picker
npm i --save svelte-chroma-picker


To use it, simply import it as a svelte component.

  import ChromaPicker from 'svelte-chroma-picker';

  let color = '#fff';

<ChromaPicker bind:color />

Play with this example on Code Sandbox.


You have a few options at your disposal.

  • color. Obviously, the color you want to bind to.
  • width and height. You can control the size of the color box for the picker.


  • update. Dispatched every time you change the color. It returns an object with the rgb and hsv values for the current color, should you need them.

Check out the Demo.

A note on accessibility

I'm still working on making this 100% keyboard and screen reader accessible. Pull requests welcome!


MIT License - fork, modify and use however you want.

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