svormik Svelte Themes


A Svelte form wrapper for handling form values and errors

What is Svormik?

Svormik is a wrapper for Svelte form components. It helps with handling form values and errors. This wrapper component was strongly influenced by Formik (a popular package for form state management for React applications).

And just like Formik, Svormik can also be used with Yup for validating form inputs.


To use Svormik, import it and wrap your form component.

  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';




Set to an Object containing keys with the associated field name and the initial value as the value.

  • initialValues: {fieldName: value}
  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  const initialValues = {
    username: 'foo',
    password: 'bar'

<Svormik {initalValues}>
    <input name="username" type="text" />
    <input name="password" type="password" />

formData (bind)

Contains all form data, such as: values, errors and form status.

  • values: {field: value} - contains field values.
  • errors: {field: [errorMsgs]} - contains field errors as an array of error messages.
  • status - has status of different form properties (ie submitting, dirty, hasError, etc...). still in progress
  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  let formData;

  $: console.log(formData); // {values: ...values, errors: ...erors, status: ...status}

<Svormik bind:formData>

actions (bind)

Contains methods that update the formProps derived store. See Actions.


Set to an Object containing keys of the field names that need to be validated and an array of custom validation functions, or a Yup schema for the value. If using custom functions and if there is an error, return a message, else return a falsey value.

  • validators: (value, values) => string | null
  • validate: Schema | { fieldName: Schema | [validators] }
  import Svormik from 'svormik';

  const required = (value, values) =>
    value === undefined ? 'Field is required' : null;

  const minLength = n => (value, values) =>
    value.length < n ? `Needs to have at least ${n} characters` : null;

  const matching = fieldName => (value, values) =>
    value !== values[fieldName] ? `Doesn't match ${fieldName}` : null;

  const validate = {
    username: [required, minLength(5)],
    password: [required, minLength(10)],
    confirmPassword: [required, matching('password')]

<Svormik {validate}>

- OR -

  import Svormik from 'svormik';
  import * as Yup from 'yup';

  const validate = {
    username: yup
    password: yup

<Svormik {validate}>

handleSubmit (bind)

A function that accepts a callback and should be invoked on submit. The callback will be passed formProps and actions that updates the stores.

  • handleSubmit: (callback) => void
  • callback: (formProps, actions) => void
  • formProps: contains same data as formData.
  • actions: contains setErrors, setStatus, and setValues methods.
  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  let handleSubmit;

  function onSubmit(e) {

  function sendData(formProps, actions) {
    try {
      await asyncFn(formProps.values);
    } catch (errors) {
      //process errors

<Svormik bind:handleSubmit>
  <form on:submit|preventDefault="{onSubmit}">

handleSubmit can also be used with the let directive.

  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  function sendData(formProps, actions) {
    try {
      await asyncFn(formProps.values);
    } catch (errors) {
      //process errors

<Svormik let:handleSubmit>
  <form on:submit|preventDefault="{() => handleSubmit(sendData)}">



A function that accepts an object as an argument that contains the keys of field names or custom error fields, and either an array of error messages or a custom value for the values. Updates the formErrors store.

  • setErrors: ({errorName: [errorMsgs] | customValue}) => void
  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  let handleSubmit;

  function onSubmit(e) {

  function sendData(formProps, actions) {
    try {
      await asyncFn(formProps.values);
    } catch (error) {
      actions.setErrors({[error.location]: error.message});

<Svormik bind:handleSubmit>
  <form on:submit|preventDefault="{onSubmit}">


A function that accepts an object as an argument that contains the keys of status names and status value as the value. Updates the formStatus store.

  • setStatus: ({statusName: value}) => void
  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';

  let handleSubmit;

  function onSubmit(e) {

  function sendData(formProps, actions) {
    try {
      await asyncFn(formProps.values);
    } catch (error) {
      actions.setErrors({[error.location]: error.message});
      actions.setStatus({submitting: false});

<Svormik bind:handleSubmit>
  <form on:submit|preventDefault="{onSubmit}">


A function that accepts an object as an argument that contains the keys of status names and status value as the value. Updates the formValues store.

  • setValues: ({fieldName: value}) => void


If using custom input components, the components can subscribe to the formProps derived store and have access to the actions methods via context.

  import {Svormik} from 'svormik';
  import CustomInput from './CustomInput.svelte';

    <CustomInput name="fancyInput" />
  import {getContext} from 'svelte';

  export let name;

  let {formProps, actions} = getContext('formCtx');
  let errors;

  $: errors = $formProps.errors; // subscribe to errors changes

  Some Label
  <input {name} />
  {#if errors && errors[name] && errors[name].length}


The following are available to the let directive:

  • handleSubmit
  • formProps
  • actions

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