sveltekit-tailwind-adder-keyframe-bug Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Tailwind Adder Keyframe Bug

A small repo for exhibiting keyframes at-rules being incorrectly purged from build

SvelteKit Tailwind Adder Keyframe Bug 🦠

  1. Once you've cloned the project and installed dependencies with npm install, start a development server with npm run dev. Take note of the animated marquee of lorem ipsum, translating to the left by way of an @keyframes rule. That rule shows up in the page source.

  2. Now run the build process with npm run build. Follow up with npm start to see the output build in the browser. You should notice that the marquee animation does not occur and the @keyframes rule does not appear in the page source, indicating that it has incorrectly been purged from the production output.

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