This boilerplate is for web developers who need to implement multi-languages.
In this boilerplate I use svelte-i18next one of the best implementation for muti-language internationalizaion.
I have tried some, such as inlang Paragride-SvelteKit however I already get used to i18n-React so I would not like to use "internationalized Routing" architecture.
If you have several languages, en, de, es etc, when you change the language using Paragride, it will automatically served as follows:
The address will be automatically redirected above. This solution is in some case really useful, but I would rather use word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence translation. I decided to stick with plain i18n.
Please read the comments below.
├ src/
│ ├ lib/
│ │ ├ components/
│ │ │ ├ custom/
│ │ │ │ └ NavigationBar.svelte # The top navigation bar contains theme-toggler and "i18next Language Switch".
│ │ │ └ ui
│ │ │ └ [shadcn-svelte ui components here] # I use Dropdown and Button, Mode-Watcher of shadcn-svelte.
│ │ ├ i18n.ts # The i18n is initialized here. You can add/custom languages. Edit the resource, label table in this file.
│ │ └ [your lib files]
│ ├ locales/
│ │ └ [your resource files] # Put your custom language resource here. Create language directory and import it in i18n.ts.
│ ├ routes/
│ │ ├ +layout.svelte # This file set the Context of i18next.
│ │ ├ +layout.ts
│ │ ├ +page.svelte # Each page get the COntext of i18next.
│ │ └ [your custom directories]
│ │ └ +page.svelte # create directories and add +page.svelte here. Sveltekit will route automatically.
│ ├ app.css
│ ├ app.d.ts
│ ├ app.html
│ ├ demo.specs.ts # vitest test sample code
│ └ siteConfig.ts # Customize the page title etc.
├ static/
│ └ [your static assets]
├ tests/
│ └ [your tests]
├ package.json
├ svelte.config.js
├ tsconfig.json
└ vite.config.js
I use NavigationBar.svelte to swich the language of i18next. You can customize the following svelte file.
path: /src/components/custom/NavigationBar.svelte
In this svelte file, I use "Mode-Watcher" and "Button" to toggle the dark/light theme. And I use "Dropdown-Menu" to switch the languages. This NavigationBar.svelte is put in the +layout.svelte, so that every pages will use this component and users can change modes and languages.
This is just a plain boilerplate to show you how to use Svelte-i18next easily. I found that if we have only small sized contents, I would not want to use "backend" i18next-resources-to-backend. I have tested the pagespeed using Chrome lighthouse, direct import "**/resource.json" was much faster to load. So in this boilerplate, I chose not to use backend.
You can check out the following directory path: /src/locales/{lang}/resouces.json
French version is as follows:
"Hello": "Bonjour",
"World": "Le monde"
i18next is imported using following typescript code. As you can see, we use "Svelte Context" to store the client side language settings. This is basically following the official instruction.
path: /src/lib/i18next.ts
/* language list in the boilerplate */
const languages: Language[] = [
{ value: 'en', label: 'English' },
{ value: 'ja', label: '日本語' },
{ value: 'fr', label: 'French' },
{ value: 'de', label: 'Deutsch' },
{ value: 'it', label: 'Italiano' },
{ value: 'es', label: 'Español' },
{ value: 'zhCN', label: '简体中文' },
{ value: 'zhTW', label: '繁体中文' },
If you use Google Chrome, open the developer tool and open "Application"->"local storage". When you change the locale("en" or "ja" or "fr" etc) or theme("dark" or "light"), the client side parameters are stored in the local storage - which is on the browser's memory.
So if the user re-open the page, the stored local and stored theme are loaded automatically.
# clone this project
git clone
# install nodejs environment
pnpm install
# launch development server
pnpm dev
# open the localhost:port using your favorite browser
google-chrome http://localhost:5173/
The following command will run vitest - the test target file is "/src/demo.spec.ts".
pnpm test:unit
The following command will run vitest and playwright - the test target file is "/src/demo.spec.ts" and "/e2e/demo.test.ts".
pnpm test
The default setting is set to SSG as this is the easiest configuration to deploy your project online.
But of course you can change it to SSR(Server Side Rendering), or SPA(Single Page Application).
/* /src/routes/+layout.ts */
/* for SSG(Static Site Generation) set prerender = true
* for SSR(Server Side Rendering), SPA(Single Page Application) set prerender = false
export const prerender = true /* SSG */
// export const prerender = false /* SSR, SPA */
/* svelte.config.js */
/* for SSR(Server Side Rendering), SPA(Single Page Application) use adapter-auto */
// import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';
/* for SSG(Static Site Generation) use adapter-auto */
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'
kit: {
// adapter-auto only supports some environments, see for a list.
// If your environment is not supported, or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
// See for more information about adapters.
/* for SSG(Static Site Generation) set as folows
adapter: adapter({
/* SSG */
// default options are shown. On some platforms
// these options are set automatically — see below
pages: 'build',
assets: 'build',
fallback: undefined,
precompress: false,
strict: true,
/* for SSR(Server Side Rendering), SPA(Single Page Application) set as follows
// adapter: adapter(), /* SSR, SPA */
I really appreciate the development teams of i18next, svelte-i18next, maximus13 on Github.