Svelte light carousel

A lightweight carousel component for Svelte focused on low runtime and minimalism.


<Carousel {slides}>
 <div slot="slide" let:slide>{slide.title}</div>


  • Lightweight, no dependencies < 2kb of JS and < 2kb of Svelte
  • Rely on CSS for layout => no shifting
  • Enough features to cover most basic (e-commerce) use cases
  • 100% headless and customizable
  • Slots for arrows, pagination, progress bar, and dots, so you can build your own UI
  • Rely on CSS native scroll behavior on mobile and mouse wheel on desktop
  • Accessible WAI-ARIA compliant + good semantic structure
  • Preserve trackpad and mouse wheel's native behavior
  • Performant, no complicated calculation, rely on RAF for sliding animations
  • Can show partial view of the next slide
  • Responsive properties: layout, gap, delta and native scroll disabling
  • Snapping and drag free option
  • Auto play with pause on hover option
  • Vertical layout option (with auto height calculation enabled by default, but can be disabled)
  • SSR friendly
  • Disable click on child when dragging
  • Won't crush your lighthouse score at all


Name Type Default Description
id string random The base id for the carousel and its accessible properties.
slides $$Generic[] [] The slides to be rendered.
withGrabCursor boolean true Whether the cursor should change to a grab cursor when hovering over the carousel.
key keyof Slide undefined Property of the slide to use as a key in the eached block.
axis "x" "y" x
dragFree boolean false Whether the carousel should be able to be dragged freely.
disableNativeScroll ResponsiveProperty false Whether the native scroll should be disabled.
oneAtTime boolean false Whether only one slide should be scrolled at a time.
autoHeight boolean axis === "y" Whether the carousel should compute its height itself. This introduce a layout shift when the carousel is loaded.
autoPlay number 0 The number of seconds between each slide. 0 means it's disabled.
layout ResponsiveProperty 1 The number of slides to be displayed at a given viewport.
gap ResponsiveProperty 20 The gap between slides to be displayed at a given viewport.
partialDelta ResponsiveProperty 0 The amount of visible pixels of the next slide
class string "" The class of the carousel slider container.
containerClass string "" The class of the carousel container.
slideClass string "" The class of the carousel slide.



Render the slide inside the carousel.

Name Type
slide $$Generic
inView boolean
index boolean


Render the previous button.

Name Type
canScrollPrev boolean
prev () => void


Render the next button.

Name Type
canScrollNext boolean
next () => void


Render the pagination. Useful if you want to group prev and next together.

Name Type
canScrollPrev boolean
prev typeof prev
canScrollNext boolean
next typeof next
nextA11y ButtonsA11y['a11y']
prevA11y ButtonsA11y['a11y']


Render the progress bar indicator.

Name Type
progress number
scrollTo (e: PointerEvent) => void


Render the dots navigation.

Name Type
dots {active: boolean, a11y: DotA11y}[]
scrollTo (index: number) => void

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